A port of the Brittany Region operated by Carenco
The ambition for sustainable economic development

The Brittany Region has owned Concarneau port since 1 January 2017. It acts as the port authority for the ship repair activity and in 2018 transferred its authority for fishing and boating activities to the Syndicat mixte des ports de pêche-plaisance de Cornouaille (SMPPC). The fishing port is operated by the Western Brittany Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce (CCIMBO) and the marina is operated by the City of Concarneau. Since 1 January 2021, CARENCO has operated the shipbuilding and repair port.
On 1 January 2021, CARENCO became the new concession holder for the Concarneau shipbuilding and repair port. It was appointed by the Brittany Region, which has owned the port since 2017, for a 15-year contract. This new model is the result of a long-term partnership between CCIMBO and the professionals of Concarneau port, a major place for shipbuilding and repairs in France and the world.
© Carenco
A team of passionate and experienced professionals
Since the slipway was created in 1955, port agents have been dedicated to providing services to shipowners. Their commitment and professionalism are an essential part of the port, along with the infrastructure and careening equipment.
©Agence Sea to sea
A new delegation
The experience and legitimacy of historic local players
CARENCO (Carénage Concarnois) joins the subsidiary of CCIMBO (INSFO) and SEMCAR (Société d’exploitation des moyens de carénages), historic operators of Concarneau port. In 2002, SEMCAR became the operator in charge of the port infrastructure (dry dock, boat lift, sling hoist, careening area).
It provides companies and shipowners with its expertise in handling ships, for which it ensures their dry docking, whether for construction or repair (maintenance, repair, in-service maintenance and overhaul), in every sector: small-scale and offshore fishing, passenger ships, dredgers, scientific ships, military ships, yachts and offshore racing, etc.
In 1994, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Quimper became the concession holder of Concarneau port (fishing, fish market, seafood shops, management of the port domain, receiving and parking of ships, towing, services, etc.), delegating the operation of careening equipment to SEMCAR.
In this regard, it invested in infrastructure and equipment for shipbuilding and repairs in close collaboration with SEMCAR, professionals, and public stakeholders. This remarkable infrastructure, achieved in particular thanks to the involvement of the port’s economic players, now provides work for around 50 companies and 1,000 people.
Meeting economic and environmental challenges and securing the future of Concarneau port.
CARENCO intends to pursue this momentum with an ambitious €25M investment programme for the next 15 years with financial support from the Brittany Region and is committed to the sustainable economic future of Concarneau port.
CARENCO is thus implementing rational management of the industrial facilities in the city by optimising operation of existing equipment and continuing to restructure and modernise the port. In particular, this involves improving infrastructure and increasing reception capacities while working to protect the environment and reduce pollution.
CARENCO’s major projects include the roof of the dry dock, renovation of the boat lift and securing the port. These will contribute to development of business and local employment, and the security and safety of workers and facilities.
Keen to minimise the environmental impact of all of its activities, CARENCO wants to pursue this approach and develop a real environmental culture for all port participants and stakeholders, with the aim of achieving ISO 14001 certification.