Legal notice

The website is published by the Brittany Region.

Publishing Manager: [Managing director of services]

Conseil régional de Bretagne

283, avenue du Général Patton
CS 21 101
35711 Rennes Cedex 7

Tel.: +33 (0)2 99 27 10 10

Fax: +33 (0)2 99 27 11 11

SIRET No.: 233 500 016 000 40

Department in charge of publishing: Carenco

Content management system: WordPress

Graphic design: Agence Sea to sea

Production: Agence Sea to sea


SAS: 2 rue Kellermann –
BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1

Photo credits:

FlyHD, Carenco, Sea to sea, Olivier Gouyec